Get to know PepsiCo Mexico

PepsiCo: One of the best employers in Mexico

100%wind power operates PepsiCo Mexico’s headquarters

Around 3,000 employees work in this building, which has other eco-conscious features like water re-use and LED lighting.

50/50gender parity in our Puebla Mixing Center

An equal number of women and men fill roles from forklift operator to administrative professional.

1Mfamily-owned stores carry PepsiCo products

PepsiCo Mexico strives to act for good for Mexico’s small businesses, whether rural farms or center city shops.

Life at PepsiCoA place to be you

At PepsiCo, we celebrate diversity and aim for all individuals to embrace their colors with pride.

We promote the development of Mexican Agricultural Communities

Agrovita has benefited 881 banana, cocoa, and palm oil producers in the states of Campeche, Tabasco, and Chiapas.

Arbeiten, die funktionieren

Flexible Arbeitsumgebungen fördern das Engagement, die Work-Life-Balance und das allgemeine Wohlbefinden. Work that Works ist ein Programm für Unternehmensmitarbeiter von PepsiCo, das es Mitarbeitern und ihren Managern ermöglicht, zu entscheiden, wo und wie ihre Arbeit erledigt wird. Denn wenn Mitarbeiter unterstützt werden, erzielen sie noch größere Erfolge.

Life at PepsiCoHow does PepsiCo Mexico select star talent?

InnovationFrom Caracas to Mexico City: An IT career in Latin America

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